英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 18:06:29

go with sth


  • 网络解释

1. 陪伴某物去,与某物相配:go with sb陪伴某人去,与某人相配 | go with sth 陪伴某物去,与某物相配 | go without sth在缺少...的情况下勉强对付

2. go with sth的反义词

2. 与...相配(尤指衣饰):go over 温习,复习 | go with sth. 与...相配(尤指衣饰) | hand in 提交,呈交

3. 与~相配:go up 攀登;涨价 | go with sth 与~相配 | go without 缺少;没有


4. 与. . . 相配(衣):Go over温习,复习 | Go with sth与. . . 相配(衣) | Hand in提交

  • 临近词

Sth easy come, easy go. We love sth with some secret.(来得快的东西,去得也快。偶们更喜欢保留一点神秘。)
go with sth是什么意思 go with sth在线翻译 go with sth什么意思 go with sth的意思 go with sth的翻译 go with sth的解释 go with sth的发音 go with sth的同义词